White Rock, South Surrey Stats Left & Langley Stats on the right.
Fraser Valley housing market continues to cool amid slower sales, softer prices
Overall sales in the Fraser Valley fell for the third straight month as prices for all property types continued to soften, bringing greater balance to the region’s real estate market.
In June, the Board processed 1,281 sales on its Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®), a decrease of 5.8 per cent compared to May and a 43 per cent decrease compared to June of last year. Sandra Benz, President of the Board, said, “In just two months our market overall has shifted into balance mainly due to a softening of demand for single-family detached homes.
“The condo and townhome markets, although they have moderated, they continue to favour sellers as the sales-to-active listings ratios continue to trend higher, however with fewer multiple offer situations compared to previous months, it’s likely that we will see further softening in these property types as we return to pre-COVID work-life routines.”
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Happy Friday :-).
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